Friday, November 4, 2011

Give Away Time!

It's time for our first giveaway.  With Halloween behind us and the Holidays right around the corner, this giveaway is perfect!

Are you like me?  I have way more pictures than I know what to do with.  I do enjoy scrapbooking but rarely find the time.  I'm not fortunate enough to have a room devoted to my hobbies which means set up time for scrapping or card making is daunting.  I've been wanting to try a digital scrapbook program but just haven't gotten around to it.  Well, the time is now!

Entering is easy! Since Faith is in 1st grade, just leave one of your favorite first grade memories (your own or one of your children)
    Winner will be announced on Tuesday, November 8, 2011.  Good Luck!

    Want to check out My Memories to see what you are trying to win just go to

    Can't wait until Tuesday?   

    Use coupon code STMMMS1532 for $10 off in the Store and $10 off My Memories Suite Scrapbook software

    I made this with My Memories Suite Scrapbook software :)

    1 comment:

    1. Well here it goes... my favorite 1st grade memory would definitely have to be getting to be the "giant cheese-head" for the day! What a fun & dorky way to do special person. :)
