Monday, September 12, 2011

Enjoying Summers End

I'd like to say that we are digging in and really learning some good stuff.  
Faith now knows Algebra, can read a novel, and is entering college next year. Ha!  Alas...all this nice weather has detoured our home school just a little...  But you know what?  That's the BEAUTY of homeschooling!  

We have very long, cold, dreary winters.  During the summer we play hard and it goes by fast!  This year, we did our share of playing but we also did a lot of "schooling".  Since I know winter is just around the corner, we enjoyed summer for just a little while longer.  We'll tackle Algebra next week. 

Here are a couple of pictures showing what we have learned this past week. :)

Wish I had more time to read.  These books look good!!! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Huge Success

Our Astronomy curriculum (and home schooling in general) is still a huge success!  You might wonder what criteria I used to label it a success.  Well, do tears, begging, and an all out temper tantrum when told we will do Astronomy tomorrow qualify it as a success in your book?  It does in mine!

I have personally just finished a very exhausting week of nursing school.  In Michigan, public schools can not begin until after Labor Day. Since I knew this first week would be grueling for me, I decided this was a very good idea for our home school too.  Plus, what kid wouldn't want to wait a week for school to begin? Well, I found one kid who did not think this was a good idea...Faith.  Since I did not have a structured week planned for her I let her choose.  Her curriculum of choice was Astronomy.  This week we learned about Venus, Earth, and the moon.  :)

My week was a huge success in so many ways. One of the 6-year-old who "hated" school has in this past week read me a book, recited facts learned weeks earlier about our universe, and stated in awe, "God made our planet perfect for us to live on!"  Yes...a huge success...