Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Butterfly Time

The butterflies are blooming!  

Unfortunately, this year a trip to the gardens to see the butterflies is not in the budget.  So this year we "blooming" our own butterflies.  

A couple of weeks ago I ordered our caterpillars from Insect Lore

There isn't much to do at first but watch the itty bitty caterpillars get bigger and bigger until...they have all changed into chrysalides!

We will be faithfully misting our chrysalides for the next 7-10 days in hopes of witnessing the miracle of our caterpillars turning into beautiful Painted Lady butterflies.  

While we wait we will learn more about butterflies and what flowers we should plant to attract lots of them to our garden this summer!

Spring is in the air and we sure are lovin it!  
Hope the butterflies are blooming where you are too. :)